Monday, May 31, 2010

silk and sandpaper.

and there on, i continue!
i went to kayla's house. it's so big and wonderful. once you step in, there's a huge mirror that covers the entire wall in front of you.
i was greeted by this little fur ball. his name is buddy, and he is by far one of the cutest little pomeranians in the world. despite the fact that we had to clean his poo. gross. unfortunately, he's not my friend's kayla's. she was just dog-sitting it.
i attempted to take pictures in her dim-lit, but it was near impossible without the flash to get a clear picture without a tripod or high ISO. [i hate setting it to super high ISO's] luckily, this one came out pretty nice, but with flash. i think it definitely creates a certain mood though.
now this is one i took without flash. it turned out fairly nice. it's not exactly blurry, but there was a quite a bit amount of noise, probably due to the high ISO, but it's whatever! kayla is beautiful nonetheless.
i watched new moon that day. [oh lawd, save my soul.] it was absolutely hilarious. i worry about the acting in future movies, but it was entertaining for sure. edward's face looks funnny. so does jacob's. but at least taylor laughtner has nice abs to make up for it.


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