Tuesday, June 15, 2010


i want to fall over dead asleep. i'm yawning so much, that i feel unconscious. maybe not that much, but you get my drift.

i did multiple self portraits for class. the assignment was to utilize the light to create certain moods. i think i hit it right on. i love the way the light hits at a 60˚ angle. the shadows impacted the pictures with a punch. -BAM-
i hate it when you get stuck on those writer's blocks. i just can't find what to say. how do you even beat a writer's block? by writing about it, duh. as you can see that is what i'm doing right now. i think these are one of my favorite pictures i took for
this class so far. they're just so powerful, and i think it sums up my auto-photo-biography...? is there even such a thing? when people die, we should have a memorabilia to let us know that we existed. all of us. just because your lips spoke words, your feet made footprints, doesn't mean you existed in this world of deceit and lies. the question is now, how do i, we, stain this world with what we did? good, or bad?

i'm rambling now. because i hit my writer's block.
found a thought provoking topic, and i went with it. too bad i'm too tired, and can't be bothered.
do what you gotta do.

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