hello sunshine. well, it's more like goodnight. it's pretty late, and work was not the best today. serving huge tables is not really pleasant. i hate trying to juggle all their petty needs. so the pictures i'm posting were pictures i actually took yesterday, but eh, it's something. i got new sunglasses yesterday. classy aviators, so that was nice. in addition i bought a new wallet. i wish i could've bought more crap, but i've been spending a bit too much lately, so i have to hold back.

rape. this was really a quick picture. i saw it while my brother was driving to saigon pho [which is a fantastic viet restaurant]. i made him stop and back up, just so i could take a picture. rape is frightening. i think sometimes we forget the severity of it. i'm reading
lucky by alice sebold [author of
the lovely bones]. it's an autobiography graphically describing her rape incident and the effect of it. it's so powerful in its text, it really makes you think, but i'm still not done with it.

i am sad to inform you that this moth was nearly dead when i photographed it, but i think it turned out to be a stunning picture. truth be told, i don't care for moths, so i'm sorry if you don't like the idea of dead moths. i love how it camouflages with the leaf, and the composition is just great. maybe it's just me, but i love it. i must admit, i hate moths. they're gross, icky, and nasty, as with most insects. BUT this picture. i likeee.

michael, aka piggy, has a unibrow. it's gross. it was in the picture, so i had to crop it out. i figured out that i'm allowed to drive with him. [i only have my permit -sigh-] so i made him let me drive. i'm not terrible, but i'm not good. i suck at parking. i just can't get it in between the damn lines. they suck. hopefully, you're better at driving than i am.
that was my sunday.
laid back, easy, peasy, cheesy.
today was comparably awful, but it's a monday. expect no more.